Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blue Mountains!Blue_mountains_-_three_sisters.jpg
This splendid natural habitat has been Sydney's wilderness getaway for years. The magnificent scenery, excellent bush-walks, numerous gum trees, gorges, outdoor activities and great eating joint make Blue Mountains an ideal tourist destination in the New South Wales region of Australia offering comfy and rugged stay to your liking.If you also wish to hear the ringing of unfamiliar bird song rising from the valley, to smell the subtle scent of eucalyptus and sassafras or to simply just sit quietly and watch the slide behind the horizon at dusk, join us on Travel to Blue Mountains.

The Blue Mountains, part of the Great Dividing Range, were initially an impenetrable barrier to white expansion from Sydney and after 25 years of struggle saw a successful crossing made by the Europeans. Just an hour and half drive from the glittering city of Sydney, Blue Mountains is the favored escape route for most of the people in the continent. Australia's most accessible wilderness, the region is a declared World Heritage Site with loads of people thronging the place all the year round. The Blue haze, which gave the Blue Mountains their name, is a result of the ultrafine oily mist given off by eucalyptus.
The Blue Mountains National Park has some truly fantastic scenery, excellent bushwalks and all the gorges, gum trees and cliff you could possibly imagine to find at one place.The foothills begin 65 km inland from Sydney and the mountains rise up to 1100m. So whether you want to take a break from the monotony of your strenuous life or simply want to experience an enthralling adventurous trekking vacation, Blue Mountains is the place to be. To enjoy a rejuvenating holiday join us on Travel to Blue Mountains.