Thursday, February 5, 2009

Great Barrier Reef
Home to colorful marine life the Great Barrier Reef, located in Cairns, Queensland's most northerly city is one of the natural wonders of the world and a popular boarding point. It contains the world's largest collection of coral reefs, with 400 types of coral, 1,500 species of fish and 4,000 types of mollusc. It also holds great scientific interest as the habitat of species such as the dugong ('sea cow') and the large green turtle, which are threatened with extinction. To visit this wondrous destination, join us on Travel to Great Barrier Reef.
Listed as a World Heritage Site, the Great Barrier Reef is a premier holiday destination in Australia. It is the largest of the world's 552 World Heritage Areas, covering 347,000 kms; there are more than 2800-catalogued reefs in the area. Running parallel to the Queensland coast, the Reef has also been declared as a Marine Park by the Australian Government. The first European explorer to see the Great Barrier Reef was Captai James Cook.The area abounds with wildlife, including dugong and green turtles, varieties of dolphins and whales, more than 1500 species of fish, 4000 types of mollusc and more than 200 species of birdlife.
The Great Barrier Reef system consists of more than 3000 reefs which range in size from 1 hectare to over 10,000 hectares in area. Home to some of the most fascinating rare varities of species and mammals, the Great Barrier Reef witnesses a total of 2 million tourist each year who come from all over the world to bask in its glory. If you also visit this majestic land, join us on Travel to Great Barrier Reef.
Great Barrier Reef map